Today kicked off "Spirit Week" at SYIS (Shenyang International School) where Rachel attends kindergarten . . . this weekend is their first volleyball tourney and everyone (from kindy to seniors, lunch lady to principal) participates. Today was PJ's and Crazy Hair Day. I think for first time "Spirit Weekers" we didn't do too bad! We sure had a blast and a bundle of laughs while we were getting ready.
After getting all those rubberbands in her hair, it still didn't feel finnished to Ra . . . she went into her toy vanity thingy and pulled out some dragonfly clips and curlers, and mom saw some chopsticks on the table calling to be added. . . ahhhh, the finnishing touches! And yeah, no idea what that pose is, but it was too cute not to take a picture of. And the final pic is of Ra and Joe, her 8 year old "big brother" who helps her on and off the bus and walks her to her classroom each day. We love Joe!
Sweet pics, nice boy Joe is! Found U through KIMberly G's blog! Love your blogname :}
love the do! rachel is so cute. and getting big. what a great pose in the mirror. ha! sounds like you are doing well in your new city and home.
we love you.
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