Sunday, August 01, 2010

Worth a Thousand Words: Day Three

Electronic Mega-World

I can't exactly figure out how to describe Computer City but I'll give it a shot.

Ok.  Start with a four to six story building.  Now rip the roof off of it.  Then take 15 Best Buys and dump them in the top.  Put the roof back on and shake vigorously.  Do the same thing to five more buildings and set them right next to each other.  Then set up some vendors outside with the same things that they are selling inside, bring in some massive loud speakers and crank Beyonce.  Line up fifty people to pass out flyers with all of the deals and then let a couple of people collect all of the flyers that people don't want so they can recycle them.  

It's a mass Carnival of every name brand electronic device on the planet and then some.  Computers, laptops, cell phones, cameras, accessories, MP3's, 4's, 5's, GPS, PS3, PSP, Wii, IBM, DSI's, PDA's, USB's, DVD, HD, SD . . . EIEIO. If it has initials it's in there.  I know, I know, some of you are drooling and some of you are still wondering what an MP3 is. 

These are fresh pictures, most likely taken while you were sleeping.  Rachel wanted to join in the picture taking fun.  We had given her our old camera but it didn't have a card to store the pictures . . .  So we went to computer city.  Here is her first contribution to our 30 day adventure.  Enjoy.  

I am Batman
Pretty sure Batman has absolutely nothing to do with anything they are 
selling here, but he was big and he got Rachel's attention.  She had to 
get this picture.  Then she rolled the dice and won that little blue thing, a 
basket to hold her toys.

Seriously this goes on forever
All divided into small shops but everyone is connected.  Ask this guy for
something he doesn't have and he'll run away and come back three minutes 
later with whatever you want.


p&k said...

Hey! We've been following your first few days back . . . and look forward to the remaining 30 days of your blogging adventure. Tell Rachel that we like her first contribution!

Jaime said...

Love the description! So VERY accurate! Makes me want to go to computer city...just because.