We are excited to be able to 1) use fewer taxis, 2) stop on the way to a destination when we see something of interest, and 3) have a way for Jerry to process things! He really misses driving as it was his "down time" to process things that got stuck swimming around in his head...now if you've visited us here (mom), you may think "down time??? while in that traffic?" But in reality this is just a glorified bicycle with a battery attached. We ride in the bike lane most of the time, but we get there way faster than our biking friends, which is nice considering the air in the bike lane is often caked with exhaust and occasionally sand from the northern desert.
And I love the guiltlessness of requesting trips to the market while cooking something because I have forgotten an ingredient!
Merry Christmas!
How fun!
Merry Christmas, friends! :P
Hot! So does the whole family ride together with Rachel sitting in a milk crate on the foot boards? Heheh. Seriously, I did see a photo like that in a National Geographic years ago and thought it was crazy.
put her in a backpack :D
guess who said that ..... surely not her Uncle .... LOL
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