Tuesday, April 17, 2007


We saw this on our friend Kellie's blog . . . and well, we couldn't resist! Go to Google or Yahoo! search and type in "your name" and " needs" and just see what the top ten things you "need" are! It's quite enlightening!!!

Jerry Needs:

1 a hobby
2 to get some kids
3 a better keyhole
4 the bucks
5 a spot on primetime tv
6 the OHANA . . . Now!
7 his own board
8 your help to put him over the top again
9 to re-examine his ego
10 to run for president

(Oh, dear!)

La needs ( because "LaWanda needs" produces nothing . . . imagine that!)

1 a team
2 to protect minorities lives
4 a face lift
5 producer assistance
6 a massage therapist (sweet!)
7 a fun 'n fit coordinator
8 to get back all that rampart lawsuit money somehow
9 more highways and interchange improvements
10 electric luges

Rachel needs:

1 to have a blush that is very bright and colorful
2 some good thoughts
3 some help when she enters Manhattans meat packing district
4 guidance and normal supervision
5 to join the original Jyters group
6 to throw more bacon parties
7 help!
8 more caffeine
9 to set her sights a little higher
10 to refer to web-sites, manuals and a variety of documentation

Have a good laugh and a good day!!!


Kimberly Geswein said...


I know what I need!! Some sleep and a professional packer hahahaa.

Oh, and I'll take the massage therapist as well!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey sis! I'd jump all over that massage thing! haha

Been trying to send you an e-mail for a few weeks but it refuses to go through... Just wanted to say, I admire you for all that you do!

Miss you, and love you ALL BUNCHES!


Jerry Jones said...

hey, sis! mine won't go through sometimes either lately....weirdness.
thanks for leaving a comment, wondering if you were still watching!