Friday, July 30, 2010

LaWanda's Homemade Pizza Class

A great friend of ours runs a rare Chinese Kindergarten.  Rare because one of his core values is to encourage parents to take an active role in their children's education process.  He has designed a program that allows children to experience English in an interactive, fun way and invites/requires the parents to come and encourage their children as they learn.  It's a great program.

So we get to hang out with some really cool kids for a couple of hours at a time and teach them something useful like how to play baseball and make pizza.  Last night was pizza night and it was a huge success.  One by one they kneaded the dough, shredded the mozzarella, added ingredients and finally feasted on the "bisa bing" (there, now you can say "pizza in Chinese).  Jerry's contribution you ask?  Cracking himself up by teaching the kids to say, "I cut the cheese."  

Parents gather around, take pictures and encourage their kids. They also take turns holding Judah and telling us how heavy he is. 


Shandi said...

What's with all the "arm warmmers" that's the closest thing I can think of to call them.

Jerry Jones said...

Those are sleeve protectors. Keeps you cuffs out of the pizza sauce. Nevermind its 150 degrees out and none of the kids actually have sleeves. Comes as as set with the apron. Thought that counts. Hey welcome back. You're our first comment in two years.