Friday, August 24, 2007

Thelma and Louise Go to China

If there were such a thing as the Adventurer Hall of Fame, surely its halls would have a new exhibit. Right past Lewis, Clark, Columbus, Vespucci, next to the entire cast of Star Trek (the original) would stand "Thelma and Louise part II: Keef and Price"

What do you get when you take two incredibly fun women, one of which has been a grandmother for less than a month and has never been out the States and the other who has never been on a plane, in a taxi, eaten with chopsticks or lost her luggage, and send them on a 4 million mile trip around the world? A great time and some wonderful memories.

We were overly blessed this month to have my sister (the incredibly young grandmother) Joanna and my Aunt (the legendary first time world traveler) Becky spend two weeks with us. Together we explored the great sites of China including the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, Tiananamen Square, Starbucks and KFC.

Aunt Thelma, Grandma Louise and Rachel at the Forbidden City

Mastering the fine art of eating with sticks

On the wall

Eating Squid at the Korean BBQ

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