Tuesday, June 05, 2007

We found it! The Warehouse to the World

I wonder if this country will ever cease to amaze us? I think not . . . You gotta come on over and check it out! We'd love to go exploring with you!

As we were going back to our hotel we drove past this street. I couldn't help myself. It looked far too much like a bargain lovers paradise! And what we found was AMAZING! This had to be the market where places like Wal-mart and Target, possibly even Pier 1 shop! It was shop after shop after endless shop of STUFF. For our white skinned faces, however, there was not a bargain to be found, well, until I shamed a woman who was flaunting a bubble blower toy in front of Rachel into giving it to us for half the price she started with. Hey, she only had 10 rmb / day to do business with, ya know? (see posts below for that story)

One of the many halls in this enormous place!

And then there was the upstairs where there was all kinds of home decor . . .

A very weak attempt at showing the hugeness of this place, I feel like the apostle John trying to describe his revelation (ok, that's kind of reaching, but seriously!)
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Anonymous said...

I was in Guang Zhou once about 10 yeas ago (just a few months after Jan was born). I bought a suit there and genuine nike shoes for Jan. They cost about $1! Maybe it was in the same area??

Miss you,

Unknown said...

Seriously that was the coolest post ever! loved all the pics. and DUDE, I'm gonna be there (well not there-there, but THERE!) in 47 days! Hello??? is that crazy or what???